How to Tender a Good and Romantic Apology

Saying I am sorry in a relationship or marriage isn't a justification that you are at fault or wrong and it doesn't make you a fool either, it is called being matured and creating peace. Sometimes you can use the play away methods of apologising before situations gets out of hand and they could be; 

"laughs, 'just kidding'.."
"Acting like you never said what they felt they heard and play it off"
Or "Pretend to be ill just to get your partners attention and apologise in the process"

A good apology doesn't need too much narrations or much emotions because arguments usually happens from the point of explanations. It could be as simple as this (3) steps below:-

1. Just say "I am sorry" and let them see some truth in it

Apologising inaudibly in anger or in an irritating manner like a child doesn't speak well. If you aren't ready to say "I am sorry", it is better not to speak up at all because your partner will pick it up from there and it will increase the anger in them which will not save situations. 

Sometimes it take us days to feel remorseful about the words we utter in anger but a situation isn't supposed to last more than one night or two. It is always good to take your time in a situation before tendering an apology and never rush it because it might kick away it's meaning. Staying in a quiet place for a moment or sleeping our head off is always the best way to ease temper or pains. If after a day you still can't find where you went wrong in the whole situation, the best thing to do is to find a trusted partner, this could be a friend or sibling that you can confined in and share your pains with them for a good counsel before taking a wrong decision within yourself. 

After all been said, it is good to always admit our wrong and be ready and strong to make amends. So at this moment, it is time to walk up to your partner, sit them down, look straight and directly into their eyes, give them a tight hug and say "I am sorry" for whatever reason that must have got you upset. Ensure to be serious at this point..

2. Give "Reasons" and ask for forgiveness 

Giving some reasons isn't for you to start narrating why you were upset. (it's hard to do right? I no), rather than bringing up the whole story before either of you pick offence to one thing or the other again, make them see reasons why you are apologising by starting with "I have realise my wrongs and I am deeply sorry" then ask for forgiveness immediately.

No matter the catastrophic, once your partner apologises and ask for forgiveness, it should be granted and accepted with both hands because forgiveness is virtue and it is a gift. With this, you are laying a good foundation for your kids or reflecting other people's lives with good morals. 

3. Request for a chance to make it up

This is sometimes an addition to a simple romantic apology just to ensures that things go on smoothly again and be rest assured that your decision will make your partner happy. These send a message to your partner that you want to right your wrongs, it is called "Rebuilding of trust". 

Actually, a word once spoken isn't easy to rehabilitate but that doesn't mean that we can't try to win our partners heart again, you can in the process let your patner know what is really eating you up or what brought about the fight using a teasing tune and along the line play it off and let it go. 

                    Aim of this Article
Apologising by saying "I am sorry" when we are wrong is the best and romantic way of easing our partners rage. For if you have a forgiving heart, you will always find favor in the hands of God Almighty. 

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